Analitical Exposition Text
[Monday, 8 October 2018] INDONESIA’S LAW SYSTEM Law in Indonesia oftenly get misused by Indonesian community itself. Generally, law is the set of rules that arrange the codes of conduct in the community so that order could be created. According to the constitution of the republic of Indonesia article 1 paragraph 3, states that Indonesia is a law nation. That is why all of community in Indonesia must obey law. Even though, it is not rare we find injustice in the community. The injustice could be seen by the fact that law in Indonesia based on how rich and how poor someone is, also just see from someone’s position. Someone who has superior position, like state officials, can get away from punishment easier than someone who is just an ordinary people, who does not have amy power in law. Law in Indonesia is a mix of European law system, especially Netherlands, also religion and customs in the ...