Hello Friends!! I'm Alicia Elena. It's been a long time since I posted the last blog on my study tour to Bali. I am so thankful for you, all the readers who always stay tune in my blog. So, this blog right here will be about something exciting that happened in our school not long ago. It's about ASPIRATION DAY 2019 of SMAN 3 Bandung! What is Aspiration Day? Bassicly it's a event that held every year in our school and it's coordinated by Perwakilan Kelas SMAN 3 Bandung (class consultative assembly similar to student council). It has two series of event, i.e. Festival and KILAS (Komunikasi Langsung Antar Siswa/Direct Communication Between Student). Festival itself is a event for hyping students for the second event, KILAS, also in Festival, students get knowledge for express their aspiration. Whereas KILAS is an event that student can convey their aspirations directly to the school and the comitee. What is the purpose of Aspiration Day? It helps students expr...