My Experience and Tips-Tricks at the Student's Leadership Basic Training
[27th September 2017]
Student's Leadership Basic TrainingStudent's leadership basic training is a basic training to create every High Schools students leader character in order to increase insight and experience for their success.
In Indonesia, especially in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, students leadership basic training held every year for new freshman (10th graders) and it is a mandatory activity that every students must went through before they graduate.
This year, in 2017, there weren't just 10th graders who attended the leadership basic training, because there were also some 11th graders who haven't attended their training when they were in 10th grade. There were 288 students attended the leaderships training this year, included some of 11th graders. This Student's leadership basic training was held in Pussenif (Pusat Kesenjataan Infanteri) that located on W.R. Supratman Street, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. It started on 21st until 23rd September 2017.
If you are an high school students and haven't get the leadership training or will get this leadership training in future, I will give you some spoiler that could make you more prepared before take the training. So, with no further do, I will share you some stories abut my leadership basic training that I've been through, also I will give several tips and tricks that hopefully could help you to set your heart before attend the training.
Day 1
That day, I arrived at Pussenif on 7 am. Actually I was late, all of my friends had been there before half past six in the morning. When I came, all participants was divided into ten different groups. Those groups were named alphabets from A to J. It sorted by student's class and absent. Because I am in X-Science-7 and absent 4, I was in group H, with all of my X-Science-7 friends and some others from X-Science-6 and X-Science-8.
After we were divided into different classes, we lined up and did the opening ceremony there. Afterwards, we went to an large hall called Graha Yudha Wastu Pramuka. In there we were taught about some yell yell and some materials that aimed to exercise our leader character, we also were told by the army about Pussenif. In the afternoon we got our lunch. At that time, we had to sing a song that we've learned before get the lunchbox. The song sounds like this:
"Bila waktu makan telah tiba, segera menuju ruang makan, kobarkan semangatmu pelajar, siapkan perut untuk diisi. Jangan lupa habiskan nasi, juga dengan lauk pauknya, sayur mayur juga disikat, hindarkan bicara dengan teman."
("If breakfast/lunch/dinner is come, go to the dining room quickly, foment your spirit student, prepare your stomach for food. Don't forget to eat up all your rice, and side dish too, vegetables are also brushed, avoid talking to friends.")
There's also many other songs that you will be taught there. Like the song you have to sing when you are moving to other place, but that song may be depends on your school. After that, we continued our lessons there with some leadership basic materials until night came. After finished our lessons, we did a short night ceremony. We completed our activity on day 1 around ten or eleven pm.
But, when we had just slept, we all were awakened suddenly by the military. We must go to the court, but because this happened so suddenly, many of us didn't have time to change our pajamas. We were scolded by the military because our outfit, we were got push up, sit up, etc. It didn't stop there, because after we got our punishments, there was also many things to do at midnight, like running around the military camp. And it finished at two o'clock, then we went to bed again.
Day 2
At day 2 we woke up on four or half past five am in the morning. Since I am Catholic, I was praying with my friends in front of the mosque. After that, we began our day with morning physical exercises. That day we completed our day pretty much in the court, we all exercise line of march. In the evening, after we finished our dinner, we went to a grave near the Pussenif. In there we had bravery test. Hmm, I couldn't tell you too detail because this would be very long. Ah, in the end of that bravery test, we had a little activity by lighted a candle in front of us and throw it to the bonfire. After that, we went back to the Pussenif and got our sleep time.
Day 3
The morning on day 3 was almost the same as on day 2. After morning exercise, we all did outbound. It was so fun, because it's unique. Then we went back to the court and exercised line of march more. Afterwards, we wen;t to the barrack and watched a film about 30 September incident. After watched and packed our back, we had a closing ceremony. Then, we went home at around 4 pm.
- You should bought a bunch of wet tissues, because there won't be time to all of you go and wash yourself. I prefer just to clean yourself with wet tissues than not at all.
- If you are feeling not good, just tell the military, they will understand, trust me.
- Don't bought a lot of outfits, because what you gonna wear is just 3-4 clothes for 3 days.
Honestly I learned a lot of things and I have to feel pleasure because I got a lesson that created my character and personality better as a leader. What I have shared is what I felt and my opinion on the training. Hope it will be helpful.. :)
#edited on 28th of September 2017
-Alicia Elena Jasmine
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