[Thursday, 24th January 2019]
Hello! Welcome to my blog!
This time I will tell my experience in Edu Passion that was held at Three Senior High School Bandung. It was such an amazing experience and really interesting story to tell.
So, without any further do, let's get in to the main topic of today's blog.
All of students in the school has their own dreams of being someone useful in the future. And of course me too. I really want to be an architect when I'm older. My goal is to go to ITB (Bandung Technology Institute) or UNPAR (Catholic University of Parahyangan). I've went to their seminars so in Edu Passion I want to search other University, maybe I can change my mind right?
So, in Edu Passion there are many stands for many university, such as UNPAR, ITB, ITS, UGM, Maranatha, UIN, and many more. I really happy my school held an great seminar.
I went to some of the university. But I really into the UGM (Gajah Mada's University) that my sister studies. I went there and I get some nice and important information about UGM itself.
So in UGM there's plenty of faculties such as
- Biology Faculty
- Economic and Business Faculty
- Pharmacy Faculty
- Philosophy Faculty
- Law Faculty
- Geography Faculty
- Culture Faculty
- Social and Politic Faculty
- Medical Faculty
- Dentistry Faculty
- Veterinary Faculty
- Forestry Faculty
- Mathematics and Science Faculty
- Agriculture Faculty
- Farm Faculty
- Psychology Faculty
- Technology Faculty
- Farm Tech Faculty
- etc.
I got many information from the college students. They told me that there's many scholarship we can get. Just check their website and we will know what scholarship that the university own.
The more information if you want, you can search at this website:
So that's all, thank you for reading this blog! Sends your thought on the commentary box down below! See you on the next Alicia Elena Jasmine's Blog!
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