Letter Recommendation: Scholarship Recommendation Letter

4th of March 2019

Dear Admissions Committee,
FTSL Institute Technology of Bandung,

     I had the pleasure of teaching Nasya Aliyah Safitri Maharani in her 11th grade honors English and Science class at Bandung 3 National High School. From the first day of class, Nasya impressed me with her ability to solve difficult things, her confident to speak in front of other people, her creativity, and her passion. She has amazing ideas and already has a soft skill in leading some projects. She’s the person who is talkative and is not scared to talk about her thought. She’s really open minded to advice or criticize from people around her. Also, she is a very cheerful person, so it will be an interesting experience to work with her in the future. Nasya has my highest recommendation as a student and constructor consultant.

     For my recommendation about her dream education life is that she’s true if she chose civil, law, or psychology. Nasya always come to me and consult about her plan for her education life and her dream. She is really interested in construction of a buildings.She also already has the picture of building’s construction. I think it suits her passion so she will be more motivated if she chose this. B She told me that she really wants to go to ITB/Institute Technology of Bandung; she wants to educate FTSL (Fakultas Teknologi Sipil dan Lingkungan/Civil Technology and Environment Faculty) and for her specialization she want to take civil.

      I realize her passion in construction things and I am certain that Nasya is going to do great and creative things in her future, she will also be able to work with other great people. I highly recommend her for admission to your undergraduate program. She is talented, visionary, confident, and diligent, which are a great things. She has an impressive quality in our High School, she has achieved many rewards from school and will be. Nasya is truly a stand-out individual who will impress everyone she meet, I am sure you will be pleasured to have her as your undergraduate scholar. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at aliciaelenajasmine@gmail.com. Our school is looking forward for your response.


Ms. Alicia
English and Science Teacher
Bandung 3 High School



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